Ben Harden (right) from Co
Wicklow, the guest speaker at the AGM of Dromore
Beekeeper's Association held on September 18 is seen
here with newly elected chairman Dr Patrick Lundy
DROMORE and District Beekeeping Association
held a very successful Annual General Meeting at the start of
their new season.
A total of ten office bearers were elected
along with a six member supporting Committee.
Office Bearers for the forthcoming year
(2007/2008) are Dr Patrick Lundy (Chairman), Mr Sam Baird
(Vice-Chairman), Mr Norman Walsh (Secretary and Press Officer),
Mr Terry Ingles (Assistant Secretary), Mr Gail Orr (Treasurer),
Mr Billy Douglas (Honey Show Manager), Mrs Anne Wilson
(Librarian), Mr Kevin Maguire (Apiary Manager) and Mr David
Wright (Auditor).
Committee members elected are Mr Mervyn
Eddie, Mr Nigel Erskine, Mr Alan Porter, Mr John Kirkpatrick, Mr
Robert McCreery and Mr Cecil McMullan.
Following the A.G.M. members enjoyed an
informative talk on 'The Practice of Varroa Management and
Control' from Mr Ben Harden who is a well respected and
practical beekeeper from Arklow, Co Wicklow.
As Varroa control is foremost in beekeepers
minds as the winter season approaches, it was beneficial that Mr
Harden explained the life cycle of the varroa mite, the need to
monitor mite drop in bee colonies and the use of control
measures and preventative treatments.
The talk was concluded by a short question
and answer session. The next meeting will be held on October 16
at 7.30pm in Dromore High School. New members will be especially
Ulster Star