THE first official Legion Poppy Day was held
in Britain on 11 November 1921, inspired by the poem In
Flanders' Fields written by John McCrae. Since then the
Poppy Appeal has been a key annual event in the nation's
Some of the bloodiest fighting of World War
One took place in the Flanders and Picardy regions of
Belgium and Northern France. The poppy was the only thing
which grew in the aftermath of the complete devastation.
McCrae, a doctor serving there with the Canadian Armed
Forces, deeply inspired and moved by what he saw, wrote
these verses:
In Flanders' Fields
John McCrae, 1915
In Flanders' fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders' fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high,
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders' Fields.
On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of
the eleventh month in 1918, the First World War ended.
Civilians wanted to remember the people who had given their
lives for peace and freedom. An American War Secretary,
Moina Michael, inspired by John McCrae 's poem, began
selling poppies to friends to raise money for the ex-Service
community. And so the tradition began.
In 1922, Major George Howson, a young
infantry officer, formed the Disabled Society to help
disabled ex-Service men and women from the First World War.
Howson suggested to the Legion that members of the Disabled
Society could make poppies and the Poppy Factory was
subsequently founded in Richmond in 1922.
The original poppy was designed so that
workers with a disability could easily assemble it and this
principle remains today
Importance of the two minute silence
THE Royal British Legion has always
supported the traditional Remembrance Sunday services and
the customary Two Minute Silence on that day.
As the national custodian of Remembrance,
the Legion also believes that when 11th November (Armistice
Day) falls on days other than Sundays - on working days -
Remembrance should be brought into the everyday life of the
nation on those days as well.
They say that the revival of support for
observance of this demonstrates that, despite the passing of
the years and the declining number of veterans, the nation
still feels strongly about Remembrance.
Remembrance transcends all boundaries. The
Legion seeks a small yet important individual and collective
act, a rare moment when the nation can stand together and
reflect on the price of freedom.
That price is still being paid. More than
12,000 British Servicemen and women have been killed or
injured on active service since 1945.
"If we are to maintain our peace and
freedom, we must always remember."

Katherine Jenkins at the Poppy Appeal
launch in her Poppy Dress.
All pictures courtesy of the RBL
Facts and figures behind the Legion
* The Royal British Legion safeguards the welfare, interests
and memory of ex-Service people and their families and
* The Legion was founded in 1921.
* Some 10.5 million people in the UK are eligible to ask for
its help.
* The Legion is one of the UK's largest membership
organisations, with over 450,000 members (including the Women's
Section). Anyone can be a member, ex-Service or not.
* You don't have to be a Legion member to receive assistance
- but you must be an ex-Serviceperson or a dependant. Anyone who
has been in the British Armed Forced for seven days or more (and
their dependants) is eligible for help.
* People as young as 17.5 years can be sent on active
service, so veterans are often much younger than people realise.
* There has only been one year (1968) since the Second World
War when a British Service person hasn't been killed on active
* Each year the Legion answers thousands of calls for help to
its helpline, Legionline.
* It helps with a huge range of issues, including
counselling, job retraining, skills assessment, getting the
right pensions and benefits, advice and interest free loans for
setting up small businesses, welfare grants, Remembrance Travel
to war graves, convalescent and nursing care, and home and
hospital visits.
* The Legion has close links to many other charities,
organisations and trusts, enabling it to draw on the best
resources and expertise, and to refer people to those best
equipped to help them.
*The Legion will be needed for as long as people continue to
be affected by conflict. It doesn't advocate war but is simply
there to support those who have been prepared to make a personal
sacrifice through serving in the British Armed Forces.
* The Poppy Appeal raised over �26 million in 2006.
* In 2005 the Legion spent over �75 million on its work.
Apart from donations, funds come from legacies, sponsorship,
corporate support, fundraising events.
* More than 70% of the workers at the Poppy Factory are
disabled or suffer from chronic illness. The Factory was
designed to offer jobs to such people and its remit remains the
same today.
* 300,000 staff and volunteers organise the Poppy Appeal each
* More than 36 million poppies, 107,000 wreaths and sprays,
750,000 Remembrance Crosses and other Remembrance items will be
made at the Poppy Factory in Richmond , Surrey, this year.
An expression of homage
THIS year Remembrance Sunday will be on
Sunday 11th November.
The National Service of Remembrance at the
Cenotaph in Whitehall is a unique expression of national homage
devoted to the remembrance of those who have given their lives
in war.
It was originally conceived as a
commemoration of the war dead of the First World War but after
the Second World War the scope of the ceremony was extended to
focus on the nation's dead of both World Wars, and in 1980 it
was widened once again to extend the remembrance to all who have
suffered and died in conflict in the service of their country
and all those who mourn them.
The service at the Cenotaph is framed to ensure
that no-one is forgotten.
The wreath laid by The Queen and the other
tributes placed on the Cenotaph are dedicated to all who have
suffered or died in war.
Members of the Cabinet, Opposition Party leaders, former
Prime Ministers and certain other Ministers and the Mayor of
London are invited to attend the ceremony, along with
representatives of the Armed Forces, Merchant Air and Navy and
Fishing Fleets, and members of faith communities. High
Commissioners from Commonwealth countries also attend the
ceremony and lay wreaths at the Cenotaph.
Ulster Star