LOCAL girl Rebecca Mills who is a pupil at Friends Prep took
first prize in the P7 Short Story Section of this year's Lisburn
Arts Advisory Council Schools' Arts Competition.
Rebecca's story 'Mayor for a Day' described what
she would do if she were Mayor of Lisburn for 24 hours. She then
had to read her prize-winning story in front of the real Mayor,
Councillor Trevor Lunn.
This is Rebecca's account of what she would do
if she were 'Mayor for a Day': "If I was Mayor of Lisburn for a
day I would like to make some changes that would help the people
of Lisburn and also make a small difference to the whole world.
I would try to let the people of Lisburn have some fun as well.
"First of all I would bring an ice-cream fair to Lisburn. I
would hire lots of ice-cream carts, three dairy farmers with.
their cows and their equipment and some ice-cream makers. I hope
this would be fun for children and maybe the grown-ups as well.
"The other thing I would like to do is to
organise a world record day. People would try and make their own
records and then try to beat them. I could make a Lisburn
records book.
"There are some environmentally friendly ideas I
have for Lisburn as well. I would buy two very large fields and
make them into a community garden for people who don't have
gardens in Lisburn.
"Everyone would receive a free tree sapling
to plant in the garden when they joined. I would try and make a
club for children to learn more about the environment.
" This would be good for educational reasons.
They would learn more about the use of solar energy, wind power
and about recycling.
"I am quite interested in saving energy and so I
would send a letter to everyone in Lisburn to tell them they
would soon be receiving a free low energy light bulb in the
post. This is mainly to save energy and to help save the plane
from global warming.
"I would enjoy my day going to a Lisburn art
gallery or visiting farms in the area. I would also make time to
spend with the public e.g. going to visit hospitals, residential
homes and charties. I would donate money to charities
including the U.S.P.C.A animal home."
Ulster Star