Jamie Pow
'CALIFORNIA Dreamin' became realty for Wallace
High School Year 12 pupil Jamie Pow during the summer when he
took part in a major geography competition in the 'sunshine
Along with two other boys from the North of
.England Jamie represented the UK at the National Geographic
World Championship in San Diego.
He also achieved a first for Ireland at the
event as he is the only person from the Emerald Isle to ever
take part in the event which has been running for 14 years.
Jamie was in awe of the work put into
preparing for the competition by members of some of the other 16
teams taking part which he described as "outstanding".
"For example, the Hungarian team went to a
specialist geography school during the weeks before San Diego
and one girl on the American team who is home-schooled spends
six hours a day studying geography," he said.
However, business was very much mixed with
pleasure as the 17 teams from across the world went hiking in
the beautiful Torrey Pines State Reserve, took part in an
orienteering event in SeaWorld and enjoyed some free time
soaking up the atmosphere in the world class centre.
Jamie said getting to know other teenagers
from across the world had been "fantastic.
"Unfortunately we didn't make it into the
Finals. They were hosted by the US gameshow host Alex Trebek and
staged in front of a massive audience at SeaWorld."
The Wallace pupil has now been asked to write an article
about his experiences for National Geographic Magazine.