Lisburn MLA Paul Butler, the Rt
Hon Jonathon Hunt New Zealand High Commisioner, Jill
Mclvor Chairperson Ulster New Zealand Trust,
Ex-British and Irish Lions player and President of
Ballance House Ulster and New Zealand Trust Jack
Kyle and Cllr Betty Campbell member of the Ballance
House Managment Committee.
A KIWI style barbeque was held at Ballance
House in Glenavy last week to honour the visit by New Zealand
High Commissioner, Rt Hon Jonathan Hunt, to Northern Ireland.
Event organiser, Margaret Lee of The Ulster New Zealand Trust,
said this was the second year an outdoor event has been held at
the Ballance House and it was back by popular demand.
"With the High Commissioner as our special guest this year,
tickets were a sell out," said Mrs Lee.
The Ulster New Zealand Trust owns The
Ballance House, which is the birth place of former New Zealand
Prime Minister John Ballance. The house is a popular visitor
attraction in Glenavy.
Volunteers, committee members and directors
of the trust all had the opportunity to meet the High
Commissioner during his three day visit to the province.
"We are delighted that the High Commissioner
could visit, and we felt the barbeque seemed the most
appropriate way to welcome him, as it's such an iconic kiwi
tradition," said Mrs Lee.
At Ballance House there is a permanent
exhibition highlighting the links between the countries and the
impact the Irish have had on the nation of New Zealand.