Finny O'Sullivan, Trevor
Neill, Lorraine Wallace, Brian Heading,
Chairperson Olive Campbell, Mayor & Mayoress
James and Margaret Tinsley, Dr Samuel Semple,
and BriansocietyMackey at the Irish Linen Centre
for the society's dinner night US4807-406PM Pic
by Paul Murphy
IT was a case of deja-vu for founding members of Lisburn
Historical Society as they gathered to mark its 40th anniversary
last Thursday, A celebratory dinner in honour of the occasion
was held at the Assembly Room of the Irish Linen Centre and
Lisburn Museum - the same venue at which the Society
held its first meeting exactly four decades earlier. Founding
members Dr. Samuel Semple, Mr. Trevor Neill and Mr Sam Dickson
were joined by more than 70 guests including the Mayor and
Mayoress Councillor James and Mrs. Margaret Tinsley and the
Chairman of the City Council's Leisure Services Committee
Councillor Brian Heading.
In his speech Dr. Semple recalled how as
Secretary of Lisburn Chamber of Commerce, he had been encouraged
to write to the then Town Clerk, Mr Harry Duff, to request the
Council give 'sympathetic consideration to the establishment of
a civic repository to house items of historical interest, some
of which could be donated by citizens.'
From this promising start, he added, Lisburn
Historical Society came into being with a programme of
activities which included monthly lectures and summer outings as
well as its historical collection.
Mr Trevor Neill, long time chairman of the
Society, paid tribute in his speech to those who had helped with
such activities in the early years.
The Mayor paid tribute to all the committee
holders during the past four decades and praised the Society's
sustained interests and activities, including the publication of
its Journal which is now in its 10th volume.
Following the speeches, a former chairman of
the Society, Mr Finny O'Sullivan,
presented a small gift to the 2007-08 Chairman, Mrs Olive
Campbell, in acknowledgement of her longstanding membership and
contribution to the Society over many years.
The dinner guests were also able to admire a
specially selected display of some artefacts presented to the
Museum by the Society together with some information panels
prepared by staff on the origins and progress of the
organisation. This display will remain in the Assembly Room
until the New Year.
The Societys historical collection which had
hen built up under the curatorship of Mr Fred Kee and latterly
Mr Sam Dixon, was formally handed over in 2000 to the Council
for safekeeping by Lisburn Museum.
The next meeting of Lisburn Historical Society
will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday (December 5) in Lisburn
Museum. A talk will be given by Clive Scoular on Lissadell, the
Sligo home of the Gore-Booth family. All members and new friends
will be made very welcome.
The three founder members of the Lisburn Historical
Society Samuel Semple, Trevor Neill, and Sam Dickson
at the Irish Linen Centre for the society's dinner
night US4807-405PM |
Lisburn Mayor James Tinsley and Lisburn Historical
Society's Chairman Olive Campbell at the Irish Linen
Centre for the society's dinner night US4807-404PM
Pic by Paul Murphy |
Past chairmen Fred Rankin, Dr
Semple, Trevor Neill, Dr John Press, and Stanley
at the Irish Linen Centre for Lisburn Historical
Society's dinner night US4807-406PM Pic by Paul
Murphy |
Ulster Star