Marc Halpin with his mother Collette McShane
before he died three years ago.
A LISBURN mother whose son died after taking
ecstasy tablets has appeared on a nationwide TV show in a bid to
prevent an unruly teenager following the same path as her dead
Collette McShane was one of two parents who
have lost children to drugs invited by the producer of the ITV
programme The Jeremy Kyle Show to speak to Emily Andrews, 16, on
the devastating effects of drugs and the consequences they have
on family life.
The Tonagh woman, whose son Marc Halpin died
three years ago at the age of 20, explained: "When I received
the initial call about appearing on the show I thought someone
was winding me up.
"After some consideration I decided I had to
do it if it meant that I could in some small way help the young
girl who was on a path to destruction."
Collette made a heartfelt plea to Emily to
stop using drugs and clean up her act. "I wanted to get across
to Emily the pain my family has experienced following Marc's
death. I told her she was playing Russian Roulette and dicing
with death every time she took drugs.
"I spoke of the agony I felt when I saw my
son lying dead on a hospital bed with blood coming out of his
nose and ears and his body looking like it had been inflated
with a pump. No mother should have to witness that."
Emily's mother Tracy Varnam from Lincolnshire
said Collette's advice really helped open her daughter's eyes.
"Collette talked a lot of sense and Emily
really listened. I have seen a dramatic improvement in her
behaviour and she is looking forward to starting a new college
course. She still has a long way to go but she has taken onboard
what was said." Collette added: "I was a mother helping another
mother. I am delighted to hear that Emily is trying to clean up
her act. It will take time but she has a good mother and she
knows that it takes a brave person to say no to drugs."
Ulster Star