Jeffrey Donaldson, Support
workers Daniel Konieczny and Olga Dominiak with
her daughter and Edwin Poots at the recent
meeting of the Old Warren Partnerships Migrant
Workers Project.
A WELCOME meeting was recently held for the
Old Warren Partnerships Migrant Workers Project.
The Project, funded under the European Peace
Programme with Community Foundation for Northern Ireland being
the Intermediary Funding Body, so far has attracted over 60
European Nationals who are working and living in Northern
The meeting, held at Lisburn Civic centre,
was well attended.
Issues facing migrant workers were addressed
and the work of the project was praised by local councillors and
community representatives.
Patrick Yu from the Northern Ireland Council
for Ethnic Minorities (NICEM) described the issues facing
migrant workers and how important it is to know who to contact
for advice and support.
He outlined the work of the Old Warren
Partnerships Project and expressed support for it.

Cllr Paul Given, Daniel Konieczny, Maciek Bator,
Fiona McCausland, Deputy Mayor of Lisburn Jim
Tinsley, Patrick Yu, Alderman Paul Porter and
Maureen Bruce Health Development worker.