Dr Samuel Semple, Mr Norman McClelland and Mr
Jim Sheerin at the reception.
A RECEPTION was held recently by the Board of
Governors of Lisnagarvey High School in honour of former
Headmaster Mr Norman McClelland, who retired last year.
Mr McClelland joined Lisnagarvey in September
1967 and made an outstanding contribution through his
achievements and service to the school for nearly 40 years.
He was made Head of Science in 1971; Senior
Teacher in 1974; Vice-Principal in' 1976 and Principal in 1982.
As a Principal he was extremely
conscientious. He had the foresight to see the role of Industry
linked to education, which involved a year out at Warwick
University. He was one of only two Headmasters from Northern
Ireland who honed their modern management skills through this
project in Northern Ireland Electricity Industry.
Mr Jim Sheerin, the current Headmaster, said:
"When staff recall Norman McClelland they state that he is an
absolute family man - his family was your family and he was so
supportive to colleagues.
"He was a good friend to all and saw the school
as his family. "Norman was a superb manager who ran the school
with efficiency and effectiveness. He always wanted the school
to look its best and spent resources wisely to ensure that it
maintained his high standards."
Member of the Board of Governors, Dr Samuel
Semple added: "Mr McClelland has not only been a professional
colleague of mine, a brilliant teacher and efficient
administrator as well as a successful Head of Department,
inspiring Senior Teacher, an exemplary Vice-Principal and an
outstanding Headmaster. But above all he has also been, for over
half a century, a life-long friend and trustworthy confidante of

Principal Mr Jim Sheerin with Mr and Mrs