Members of First Hillsborough
Scout Troup and leaders pictured at a recent event
in their programme of centenary celebrations to mark
the 100th anniversary of the formation of the
scouting movement by Baden-Powell.
A `BOLD new vision' for the future of
scouting in Hillsborough will be launched at Lisnagarvey Hockey
Club on Tuesday (May 29) at 8.30pm.
The committee of First Hillsborough Scout
Group would like to extend a warm welcome not only to the
parents, grandparents or guardians of existing scouts but also
former scouts who have had association with Hillsborough.
Representatives from local community
organisations are also encouraged to attend as are members of
the local community who may be interested in finding out what is
being planned for the future of Hillsborough Scout Hall.
To confirm attendance please contact Robert
MacKinnon, email
robert.mackinnon@bt.com or telephone 028 92688176.
Meanwhile, 12 of Hillsborough's cub scouts are looking forward
to a trip to Essex this summer where they will participate in
the Centenary Year of Scouting World Scout Jamboree.