reminder of bygone days of Ballygowan Flute Band, a pre-war band
pole, was presented to 85-year-old Bro Hugh Wilkinson at a
meeting of Rising Sons of William LOL 422 in Ballygowan Orange
Hall on Tuesday 2nd September. The pole was used by
the late Bro Jack Wilkinson to lead the band, which broke up in
1939 due to the outbreak of war and regrettably never
re-formed. The band pole had ended up being kept at the home of
Jack�s son, the late Bro David Wilkinson, a Past Worshipful
Master of the lodge, who was well known around Dromore due to
his job as bread salesman. David donated the pole to his
son-in-law Lower Iveagh No 1 Worshipful District Master Bro Eric
Jess who had the pole restored to its original condition and in
turn passed it on to the lodge members in order to maintain a
lasting memory of the band�s heyday.

Flute Band�s pre-war band pole is presented to LOL 422 lodge
members at Ballygowan Orange Hall on Tuesday 2nd
September. L to R: (seated) Bro Ian Walker (Worshipful Master),
Bro Eric Jess (Worshipful District Master), Bro Hugh Wilkinson
and Bro Tom Wilkinson (Deputy Master). (standing) Bro Albert
McKeown, Bro David Walker, Bro David Wilkinson, Bro Bertie
Wilkinson, Bro Neil Wilkinson, Bro Rodney Quigg and Bro Lionel
presentation of the pre-war band pole at Ballygowan Orange Hall
on Tuesday 2nd September re-kindled many happy
memories for Bro Hugh Wilkinson. At the meeting, 85-year-old
Hugh proudly donned the �old but beautiful� - not the �sash his
father wore� - but rather, the �sash his GRANDfather wore� many
years ago. The sash bears the initials WJM and records that
Hugh�s grandfather, William John Wilkinson, held the office of
Worshipful Master and Past Master of Rose of Truth RBP 172 and
Deputy District Master of Largymore No 9 District.