FORGET the Diet Coke man - there's a Lisburn
hopeful in the running for the Pepsi Sexiest Man competition.
26-year-old Geoff Baird, the Managing Director of a hotel and
entertainment business, is originally from Pond Park will be
competing against 12 other hunks from across Northern Ireland
for the title.
Geoff works for Fine11 Group which run the
Seagoe Hotel, Gowdy's at the Racecourse and the Point and
explained how it all started off as an office joke. The
company's PR people promptly entered Geoff into the competition
and before he knew it he was being whisked off for a photo shoot
and being put on the spotlight to answer some questions.
The next thing he knew he was in the final,
which will be held on September 11 at the Northern Whig when he
will be up against a footballer, a model, a show jumper, a
singer and even a scientist.
"It s just a bit of craic," Geoff said. "Some
of my colleagues at work have been slating me, telling me to
watch what I eat and to exercise but I'm not taking it that
"I thought the photo shoot would be a bit
embarrassing but its good for PR and its good for the company."
Many of Geoff's family and friends will be
supporting the married 26 year old at the final where �1000 will
be up for grabs.
"I hope that I don't have to do any of the
catwalk stuff or anything that means making a fool of myself,"
he said.
"I thought the photo shoot would have been
very embarrassing but I really enjoyed it. My wife is cringeing
already but she sees the funny side of it."
The competition is being organised by
Northern Woman and Editor Lyn Palmer said: "This year's
nominations have been more varied than ever -though the men are
just as mouthwatering - so it was especially difficult to choose
a mere 12 finalists."
The magazine will donate proceeds from the
ticket sales to the charity of the winner's choice - last year's
recipient was the Clic-Sargeant Cancer Appeal.
The other Finalists are: Chris Dobbin (28),
Belfast; Lee Rustie (19), Portstewart; Bjorn Blythe (23),
Bangor; Matthew Thom, (21), Coleraine; Gavin Gough, (19), Derry;
Matthew Toman, (26), Lurgan; Sean Paul Gilbride, (19), Belfast;
Adam Cummings, (24), Belfast; Alan Thompson, (27), Derry; Martin
McCafferty, (26), Derry and Tuda Murphy, (27), Lurgan.
Ulster Star