Lisburn Road Safety Committee launch an evening with Phillip
McCallen and Phillip Morrow at Lagan Valley Island,

Lisburn Road Safety Committee will present an
evening with Phillip McCallen and Phillip Morrow at Lagan Valley Island,
Lisburn on Thursday 18
th September at 7.30pm. Launching the event at
Lisburn Fire Station last Thursday evening (4
th September) are L to
R: (front)
Phillip McCallen (Road Racing
Legend), Randy McComb (District Commander of Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue
Service), Alan McCracken (Firefighter) and Phillip Morrow (Rally Driver). (back
row) Jim Crozier (Senior Instructor - Super Drive Rally School, Portadown), John
Palmer (Treasurer - Road Safety Committee), Colin Preen (Road Safety
Committee) and Cllr Andrew Ewing (Vice Chairman - Road Safety Committee).
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