Social Development Minister Margaret
Ritchie met representatives of the Orange Community
Network at Low Quarter Orange Hall recently to look at
the community development work supported through Orange
Halls. The Minister was joined by (from right), Local
MLA CIIr Jonathan Craig; William Leathem, OCN Board
Member; Jimmy Armstrong, Community Development Officer;
Drew Nelson, chairman of the OCN and Beverley Poskitt,
Community Development Officer.. Picture by Brian
LISBURN Councillor Jonathan Craig MLA was
delighted that the Minister for the Department of Social
Development, Margaret Ritchie, accepted his invitation to meet
with Orange Community Network and Brookmount Cultural and
Education Society which was held in Low Quarter Orange Hall,
Speaking at the meeting on Friday June 6, Mr
Craig said: "I am delighted that the Minister has accepted my
invitation to come and meet with Board members of Orange
Community Network and Brookmount Cultural and Education Society.
"I know from first hand experience the
important work which Orange Community Network is doing in the
field of community development and training for various
Community, Cultural, Rural Development, Bands, Youth, Women's
and Senior Citizen's Groups based in Orange halls."
Councillor Craig concluded, "Beverly Poskitt,
a Community Development Officer for Orange Community Network
made a presentation regarding the aims arid objectives of the
network and Councillor William Leathem made a presentation on
behalf of Brookmount Cultural and Education Society
"I think the Minster was impressed and was very open- minded
and I look forward to meeting with her officials."
Ulster Star