At the recent 'Mary' Christmas event
at the Island Centre are one of the Leading Ladies
Lynne McAllister, conductor Bobby Wright, Pond Park
Primary's Acting Principal and pianist Geoffrey
Cherry and Joan McCloy, Chairman of the Mary Peters
Trust. |
Dame Mary Peters with children from
Pond Park Primary who helped spread some festive
cheer with songs at the recent 'Mary' Christmas
event at the Island Centre held by the Mary Peters
Trust. The P4 and P5 children pictured with Dame
Mary are (from left) Callum Patterson, Ben Thompson,
Lucy Gillanders, Leigh Gordon, Rebecca Lynn, Thomas
Cherry, Peter McCrea and Patrick Lynn. |
OVER 400 good sports faced the chill of
winter to support a 'Mary' Christmas concert at the Lisburn
Island Centre in aid of the Mary Peters Trust.
The Trust was established to create an ongoing
and meaningful commemoration of Dame Mary's gold medal win in
the 1972 Munich Olympics.
Each year it supports talented young sportsmen
and women, both able-bodied and disabled, from across Northern
Ireland with grants designed to offset expenses incurred in
training and competing.
The evening celebrated the renaming of the Trust
and the entertainment was provided courtesy of the impressive
repertoire of Northern Ireland's premier song birds The Leading
Ladies, supported by Pond Park Primary School.
The compere was local lady Laura Kerr, who is no
stranger to the stage having produced numerous productions for
the Lambeg Players and Pond Park School and she will soon be
preparing to take on the leading role in 'Hello Dolly' for
Belfast Operatic Society in the Grand Opera House.
Overwhelmed at how much was raised Joan McCloy,
Chairman of the Mary Peters Trust said: "We'd like to thank
everyone who came along, facing the bite of the winter weather
and that of the credit crunch. You helped us raise a fantastic
�3000. This money will greatly help boost our funds for 2009."
Delighted that the school was asked to
participate in the evening's entertainment Geoffrey Cherry,
Acting Principal, Pond Park Primary, said: "We were delighted to
be asked and I am very proud of children and staff. Our school
has always had a strong tradition of music. A strong emphasis is
placed on performing and we particularly feel it important to
support the community and local charities through music."
Ulster Star