PUPILS from McKinney Primary School were
given a special tour of Stormont by local MLA Basil McCrea last
The Lisburn councillor took children from
Primary 6 and 7 and their teachers around Parliament Buildings,
including the assembly chamber, member's dining room and the
Long Gallery.
Pupils even had time for a vote on whether
teachers should be given a pay rise, with the resounding answer
a firm 'no'.
Mr McCrea said: "The children were a credit
to their school. They asked plenty of questions and were keen to
learn more about the work of the Assembly.
"I would extend the invitation to any school
or other organisation who would like to come up for a tour."
Tours of Parliament Buildings can be arranged through Mr
McCrea's constituency office in Lisburn. This is located at 34
Hillsborough Road, telephone 9266 8583
Ulster Star