Lisburn LOL No 6
District Officers.
Included in the picture
are Lagan Valley MP Bro
Jeffrey Donaldson,
Bro Fred
Willoughby (Worshipful
District Master), Bro
Tom Kerr (Deputy
District Master) and Bro
Jonathan Beattie
(District Secretary).
Derriaghy District LOL No 11 hosted the 318th anniversary of
the battle of the Boyne demonstration at Dunmurry on Saturday
12th July. The South Antrim Combine consisting of a total of 70
lodges from 7 districts assembled at Mosside Road (near
Derriaghy Cricket Ground) and the parade made its way to the
demonstration field at Fullerton Park in the following order:
Derriaghy LOL No 11, Lisburn LOL No 6, Hillsborough LOL No 19,
Aghalee LOL No 2, Glenavy LOL No 4, Magheragall LOL No 9 and
Ballinderry LOL No 3.
Bro Connor Gray (Worshipful District Master of Derriaghy LOL No
11) chaired the platform proceedings. Bro Rev Stanley Gamble (Lisburn
District No 6 Chaplain) led the prayers; Bro Rev Scott Martin
(Hillsborough District Chaplain) read the Scripture lesson and
Bro Rev David McCarthy (Deputy County Grand Chaplain of Antrim
and District Chaplain of Derriaghy) gave the address. Speaking
of the day of compromise; the day of opportunity; and the day of
salvation, Bro McCarthy emphasised the importance of living the
Christian life as an Orangeman and bringing Christ back into the
very centre of all that we do. Quoting the well-known portion of
Scripture, �Now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of
salvation�, he concluded that we must �Seek the Lord while He
may be found and call on Him while He is near�. Roses Lane Ends
Flute Band conducted by Alwyn Totten led the praise; the hymns
were �The Lord�s my Shepherd� and �Abide with me�.
Resolutions proposed by Scottis Womens� Orange Order
members Worthy Sister Rev Helen Walker (Past Grand Mistress of
Scotland), Worthy Sister Christine Calvert (Past Grand Mistress
of Scotland) and Worthy Sister Rhona Gibson (Deputy Grand
Mistress of Scotland).
Votes of thanks to Lisburn City Council (use of assembly and
demonstration field), Roses Lane Ends Flute Band (providing
music at platform), Bro Raymond McKee (for providing the
platform), Bro Raymond McNeice (PA System), the PSNI (for
traffic control) and others who helped in any way were given by
Bro Norman Bell (WDM of Ballinderry LOL No 3) and Bro Morrow
(Grandmaster of Queensland, Australia); and votes of thanks to
Derriaghy District LOL No 11 for hosting the demonstration were
given by Br Tommy Ross (PDM Glenavy LOL No 4) and Bro Fred
Willoughby (WDM of Lisburn LOL No 6).
Ulster Star