TEN former Wallace High School students
gathered at their alma mater this week for the inaugural meeting
of the Past Choristers' Society.
Former Head boy, Gareth Patterson, a second
year medical student at Queen's University, explained, We all
had amazing times as members of the chamber choir, Cappella, and
enjoyed performances here in Northern Ireland and across Europe.
Whilst many of us are still involved in music at university, we
felt it would be a
great idea to get together in Wallace again
and we have lots of innovative ideas for the future of the
"We really hope that former students of
Wallace who are interested in Music will come along and join us
� there's definitely no age limit and as far as we're concerned,
the more the merrier." Head of Music at Wallace, David Falconer,
added: "I was delighted to catch up with the former students and
am looking forward to meeting more in the coming weeks. The
first date for the Past Choristers' Diary in the
school's Christmas Concert which will take place in Lisburn
Cathedral on December 12.
"I would encourage any past pupils who were
involved in the musical life of the school to come along to the
next meeting at 7.30pm on Monday September 29.
Further information can be obtained by via
the school's website at
www.wallacehigh.org or by phoning the
school office on 92672311."
Ulster Star