Community gospel choir for the city
MUSIC lovers across the country recently
delighted in the success of Belfast's Open Arts Community Choir
on BBC One's Last Choir Standing.
But what many people didn't know is that the
conductor of the choir, Beverley Whyte, is from Lisburn. And
while she is still working hard with the Open Arts Community
Choir, Beverley is now keen to start a new gospel choir in her
home city.
The Open Arts Community Choir made it to the
last 15 of Last Choir Standing and it was absolutely amazing,"
explained Beverley.
"Since the show there has been more and more
interest in choirs, particularly gospel choirs. "Some of the
gospel choirs in the competition were amazing and I thought I'd
like to do that in Lisburn.'
The new choir has been christened 'Lisburn
Community Gospel Choir' and already has twenty members.
However, Beverley is keen to encourage more
local people to raise their voices in song.
"We will be focusing on enjoyment of
singing," continued Beverley.
"There will be no auditions, you just have to
enjoy singing. It's really just for the fun factor. "Being part
of a choir is a brilliant experience," she added.
The Lisburn Community Gospel Choir will begin
rehearsals on Sunday November 2 from 5.15pm until 6.45pm at the
Christian Fellowship Church, 1 Queens Road, Lisburn.
For further information on the choir, contact
Beverley on 07867808485.
Ulster Star