Brookmount Dance Ranch teacher,
Sharon Hendron, presents �2500
to RVH Colo-Rectal Fund
representative, Mr Roy Maxwell,
the surgeon who helped Sharon
through her operations.
EACH year members of Brookmount Dance Ranch
raise funds to support a local charity and this year's
beneficiary is one which is very close to the heart of
Brookmount dance teacher Sharon Hendron.
The group were delighted to present Mr Roy
Maxwell with a cheque for �2,500 for the RVH Colo-Rectal Fund on
Friday April 18, which will be used to provide research and
equipment for the charity.
The RVH Colo-Rectal Fund is a charity for
people with bowel diseases such as Crohns Disease, Ulcerative
Colitis, Bowel Cancer etc and Sharon, who suffered from
Ulcerative Colitis knows only too well how important the charity
Sharon commented, "I myself had Ulcerative
Colitis and five operations later I am back on my feet again.
"Each year we choose a different charity and
I proposed this one as I know how important it is. I have seen
the people in the wards, and although I felt awful, there is
always someone ten times worse. Until you have been there you
don't really hear of it, it wasn't until 1997 when I had my
first operation, that I heard of these problems."
Sharon was delighted to present the cheque to
Mr Roy Maxwell on Friday night as he was the surgeon who helped
her through her operations.
She continued, "We not only wanted to raise
money for this charity but also raise awareness. We did this by
getting sponsored for doing the Lisburn Fun Run, ending with a
wee line dance of course; running a raffle with prizes
generously donated by local businesses; line dance
demonstrations and a few social nights.
"We were thrilled to present RVH Colo-Rectal
Fund representative, Mr Roy Maxwell, with a cheque for �2500,
and would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported
our fundraising efforts this year."
Brookmount's line dance classes for beginners
and intermediates are held every Monday night in Lowquarters
Orange Hall on the Ballinderry Road., Magheragall. So if you
want a fun way to keep fit and an opportunity to do your bit for
local charities, then give Sharon a call on 028 92661559.