Katie and
Gemma were in good voice during the Anniversary
celebrations at Carr Primary School. |
Bailey, Rachel Martin and Gemma Pollock singing together
at the 75th Anniversary celebrations |
Stevenson introduces the Nativity at Carr Primary
School's 75th Anniversary celebrations. |
THERE were special celebrations at Carr
Primary School in December as the school marked its 75th
Ryan Fulerton as a
'Wise man' during the Nativity |
Angelic Chelsea during
the 75th Anniversary celebrations at Carr Primary School
in December. |
The Assembly Hall was overflowing into the
corridor and computer suite as past and present pupils joined
together to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the school on
December 19.
The Principal Mr Hayes welcomed the parents
and friends of children at present attending the school along
with past pupils, teaching and auxiliary staff from yester
The school choir with their senior at Carr Primary School's
75th Anniversary cele- teacher Mrs Frances Greer, Guitar
brations. Group under the guidance of teacher Mr N. McMaster,
entertained everyone to beautiful music and singing. The Key
Stage 1 pupils supervised by Mrs L. Stevenson, Reception/P1
teacher, acted out the Nativity Scene.
Scripture readings were read by Mr Harry
Creighton past Principal, Mrs Ann Luke past Vice Principal, Mr
Robert Glenn on behalf of the Board of Governors and Mr Mervyn
Graham, a past pupil.
Rev. Kenneth Smyth, Chairman of the Board of
Governors spoke on the life of 'Carr' and congratulated the
children and teaching staff on a lovely performance. Pastor
Richard Garnham brought the service to a close with prayer and
afterwards Rev. Smyth helped the youngest pupil, Eboney
Wade-Allen, to cut the Anniversary Cake which everyone then
enjoyed with other light refreshments served by the parents. Mr
John Campbell the oldest surviving pupil was delighted to be
back in Carr and said it brought back lots of memories as he
joined with others to view the old school photographs and roll
books etc.
Since then the school have received letters from those who
attended the morning thanking everyone for such a warm and
friendly service and wishing the school every blessing for the
Ulster Star