Trust confirms the closure of Seymour House

THIS week has marked the end of an era at
Seymour House as the South Eastern Trust confirmed its intention
to close the Dunmurry home for elderly people at Christmas.
The closure, plans for which were first
revealed in October 2006, is part of the Trust's proposals for
the reshaping of services to older people.
They say it will enable resources to be
reinvested in a range of community based services including
intermediate care, day care, supported housing and domiciliary
care services.
Residents and their families and carers have
already been advised of the planned closure and meetings will
now be arranged on a one to one basis to consider alternative
preferred care arrangements.
The Trust says it has also had an initial
meeting with staff and further meetings will be arranged to
consider long term options.
They also say the closure of the home will
take place in a 'phased and planned way to ensure that
the needs of residents and staff are
addressed in a sensitive manner'. The Trust has also put in
place advocacy arrangements for residents and families to help
them in this process.
"This is a sad day for the residents of
Seymour House," said Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson who was
involved in a campaign to keep the Laurel Way home open
"The local community rallied round to
support the residents of Seymour House in a bid to keep this
important facility open but sadly their pleas have fallen on
deaf ears.
"I hope to have a meeting shortly with the
Trust to discuss the arrangements they are putting in place to
accommodate the elderly residents who live in Seymour House,
after all this has been their home for many years."
Ulster Star