Crawford McCartney with his dog Ace.
A LISBURN boy will appear tonight (Friday) on animal show Top
Viewers will see nine-year-old Crawford
McCartney and his dog Ace on the programme hosted by local girl
Shauna Lowry, competing in a series of outlandish rounds.
The winning dog goes through to the next
round until the grand final when viewers can see who will emerge
a canine hero, the Top Dog of Europe.
After filming the programme Crawford said Ace was 'just the
best' and was sure that he was taking the 'best dog home.
Crawford's mum Kate explained how the
opportunity to appear on TV occurred.
"Crawford had an audition about April time
last year, the director liked the way Crawford handled Ace and
said the bond between them was obvious" she said. "When he was
told he was chosen to be on the programme he spent all his spare
time training Ace and teaching him some tricks."
She continued: "He was also told the types of
games that may be on the show so he had to practice them too.
Ace did particularly well in the game that
involved food being driven under his nose � he won that one.
They also had to perform some type of routine and with the help
of his older sisters they conjured up a Country and Western
doggy dance." Before they went along to the programme filming,
Crawford and Ace were interviewed by the Top Dog team at
Brookhall Farm and had a great time.
Kate continued: "They did exceptionally well
and had some fantastic comments from the judges � they were
particularly impressed with Crawford's handling of Ace."
Tune into Animal Planet's Top Dog at 8pm.
Ulster Star