Beekeepers Association is organising a course for people wishing
to take up the ancient craft.
It is designed for those who have yet to
acquire bees and those who already have them but need to learn
the skills necessary to manage them.
A spokesperson said a generation ago
beekeepers followed the family tradition and inherited both the
bees and skills required. Today, he added, most newcomers have
no family association with bees and require tuition and
"Gardens are now much smaller and some
beekeepers require an alternative place to site their apiary,"
he added.
"Spring and early summer are ideal times to
acquire bees but it is necessary to have some training before
The course will commence on January 12 and
last for eight weeks.
Once the active bee season begins in April
there will be two practical sessions in an apiary when students
will learn how to handle bees, observe what is happening in the
hive and also recognise swarming preparations and disease.
They will be prepared for the Preliminary
Examination of the Federation of Irish Beekeepers Associations
and may be assessed in late May.
"The arrival of the parasitic mite Varroa and
its associated viruses, a few years ago, made beekeeping a
little more difficult, thus the importance of attending a course
and joining a Beekeepers' Association at the outset," continued
the spokesperson.
"Working at an open hive demands your
undivided attention and concentration and so provides respite
from all other problems, a most therapeutic experience.
Newcomers to beekeeping, both men and women, come at all ages.
Some come when they have their first permanent home, some when
their family disperse and some when approaching retirement or
early retirement."
The Dromore course will be led by Norman
Walsh. Further information including the cost and enrolment
details can be obtained by telephoning Norman on 9268 2578 or
Ulster Star