fever hit Wallace High School last week with the Head Girl and
Head Boy going head to head in a nail-biting voting battle.
by the History and Politics Department, the three week campaign
echoed the style of the American election. Head Girl Claire
Donaldson was up the Democrats, assisted by Christopher Tinsley
whilst Head Boy Richard Johnston campaigned on behalf of the
Republican Party.
Teacher Julie Dumigan explained: "Our Upper
Sixth Politics students are currently studying American
political system and we try to make this increasingly popular
subject come alive., They have enjoyed taking part in workshops
with MPs at Westminster, visiting Stormont and speed dating
their local politicians.
"The two Upper Sixth Politics classes
explored the policies of the American parties and then went head
to head, ably led by Claire and Richard. The campaign involved
advertising, hustings and songs. It really brought the entire
school community together and we were delighted to see an 85%
turnout ."
Lower Sixth students also played a major
role, acting as official electoral officers on voting day.
The final results were announced in school
assembly following a recount as the race had been so close. The
margin of only four votes giving the Republicans victory may not
echo Obama's landslide victory in America, but reflects the
enthusiasm and passion of both campaigns in Wallace High.
Claire Donaldson said: "Whilst we Democrats
are disappointed that we didn't win, the whole process certainly
taught us a great deal about the power of spin. It was a great
opportunity to get to know younger students and I hope that
everyone in the school is more aware of active citizenship."
Chris Tinsley added: "Taking part in the
election encouraged me to follow events in America more closely.
I am thrilled that Obama won and feel that this election will
certainly be part of history."
Richard Johnston concluded: "The past few
weeks have been very exciting and I'd like to thank the school
for giving us this opportunity."
Ulster Star