LITTLE girl's quick thinking has helped prevent a microwave
which went on fire from taking hold.
Four-year-old Evie McGale and her brother Tom, aged 2, were
in the kitchen of their Berkley Hall home when Tom decided to
put his toy car in the microwave. The microwave went on fire and
Evie immediately ran upstairs to tell her mother Alyson.
Alyson explained: "Evie was shouting that we needed to call
999 immediately. I ran downstairs to the kitchen
and managed to switch the microwave off. Luckily the flames
went out.
"My youngest son had managed to reach the microwave and put
his toy car inside it and then pushed the start button. He
didn't understand and was enjoying the fireworks.
"If Evie had not have alerted me the kitchen could have gone
on fire."
Just a few days before the incident Evie and her classmates
at Barbour Nursery in Hillhall had enjoyed a visit from the Fire
Brigade who
visited the children to tell them about fire safety. Alyson,
who also has a 5year-old son Oliver added: "Evie picked up on
whatever the Fire Brigade told her. We are all very proud of
her." Tracey Cassells Principal of the nursery said: "We are all
very proud of Evie. She really took onboard the fir. safety
message that the fire officers had told her and it just shows
the importance of getting the message across to children at a
young age." Ulster Star