L to R: (seated) Bro Tom Wright
(County Grand Secretary - Belfast), Bro Connor Gray
(Worshipful District Master), The Most Worshipful
Robert Saulters (Grand Master), Lagan Valley MP Bro
Jeffrey Donaldson MLA and Bro Hugh Moulds (Lodge
Treasurer and Deputy District Master) and Bro Alan
Campbell (Past Master). (back row) Bro Malcolm Hill
(Past District Master), Bro Jim McConnell, Bro
Kenneth Moulds (Past Master), Bro Uel Moulds (Past
Master), Bro William Moulds, Bro Keith Bennett
(Deputy Master), Bro John Crookshanks (Past Master),
Bro Gary Campbell (Secretary), Bro Mark Walker, Bro
John Campbell (Chaplain), Bro Stuart
Brown and Bro Arthur Graham (District Secretary). |
Bro Gary Campbell (Secretary)
pictured giving a history of the lodge explaining
that the banner, which shows a scene from the Battle
of the Somme, also records the names of Sec. Lt. Bro
William Graham, Guardsman Bro William Wilson and
Trooper Bro William Hillocks, all members of Falls
LOL No 498, who laid down their lives in the Great
War 1914-1918.
Another historic milestone in the history of the 179-year-old
Falls LOL 498 was celebrated on Saturday 22nd November when a
new banner and past master�s plaque was unfurled at Derriaghy
Orange Hall. The banner, painted by artist Billy McGowan, is the
third one since the formation of the lodge in 1829 and while the
first one takes pride of place in the hall, the second banner
will be donated to The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland at
Schomberg House, Belfast.
Bro Hugh Moulds, Lodge Treasurer and Deputy District Master of
Derriaghy District LOL No 11, led the proceedings and welcomed
the members and special guests. John Campbell (Chaplain)
presiding on keyboards led the opening praise, �Stand up, stand
up for Jesus� followed by a prayer of dedication. The Most
Worshipful Robert Saulters (Grand Master), brought the greetings
of the Grand Lodge and prior to unfurling the banner
congratulated the lodge members, wishing them many years to be
spared to walk behind it. Lagan Valley MP Bro Jeffrey Donaldson
MLA added his congratulations on their excellent banner after
which he unveiled a new plaque recording the names of past
masters since the lodge was formed in 1829.
Bro Gary Campbell (Secretary) recalled that the lodge minutes
record 24 absent members who went out to serve in the Great War
1914-1918 and explained that the banner, which depicts King
William on one side, depicts a scene from the Battle of the
Somme on the other side showing the names of three who never
returned. The banner pays tribute to the men - Second Lieutenant
Bro William Graham (26) from the Donegall Road, Guardsman Bro
William Wilson (23) from Andersonstown and Trooper Bro William
Hillocks (22) who died just one day before the war ended. Gary
also explained that the date chosen for the unfurling of the
banner was the 91st anniversary of the death of Bro William
Graham on 22nd November 1917.
Bro Connor Gray (Worshipful District Master of Derriaghy
District LOL No 11) spoke of the proud family history in Falls
LOL No 498, which originated in the Upper Falls area. He went on
to thank the officers and brethren for hosting the Twelfth
Demonstration last July and concluded by wishing them every
success for the future.
John Campbell (Chaplain) closed the proceedings with the
National Anthem and benediction after which refreshments were
served by the ladies and family members.
Bro Hugh Moulds (Falls LOL No 498
Treasurer and Deputy District Master) pictured with his
family at the unfurling of a new banner in Derriaghy
Orange Hall on Saturday 22nd November. L to R: (front
row) Sarah, Ruby and Hugh Moulds, Kirsten Williamson,
Beth, Uel and Victoria Moulds. (back row) Alan, Kenneth,
Jillian, Wendy, Roberta, William and Samuel Moulds. |
Kirsten Williamson and Sarah Moulds join
in the celebrations at the unfurling of a new banner in
Derriaghy Orange Hall on Saturday 22nd November. |
Brief history
Formed in 1829, the lodge, although originally based on Divis
Street, is now closer to Lisburn than the nationalist west
Belfast area it was formed in, having been gradually �pushed�
out over the years. It can also lay claim to having successfully
sued the Irish News in 1886 during the first Home Rule Bill
riots in Belfast, when the paper printed an article blaming the
Lodge for smashing windows in a Methodist Church on the Falls
Road. The Lodge took the paper to court for slander and won
�200. It used the money to build a new hall at the top of
Dunmurry Lane. The Lodge met there until the political
situation, and a few failed arson attempts on the hall, made it
too dangerous to stay.
The largest membership ever recorded was in 1922 when it had 68
members, it fell to its lowest of around 15 members during the
Troubles, and has now built that back up to 22, with some
members living in England and flying home for the Twelfth
Falls LOL No 498 members Hugh Moulds
(Treasurer) and his brother Ken Moulds (Past Master)
pictured at the unfurling of a new banner in Derriaghy
Orange Hall on Saturday 22nd November.
At the unfurling of a new banner in
Derriaghy Orange Hall on Saturday 22nd November are
visiting brethren L to R: Bro Tom Wright (County Grand
Secretary - Belfast), Bro Connor Gray (Worshipful
District Master of Derriaghy District LOL No 11) and The
Most Worshipful Robert Saulters (Grand Master). |
Ulster Star