Elizabeth Sloan (back row
second from left) and Emma Barr (front row
left) with Culture, Arts and Leisure
Minister Edwin Poots and the five other
Northern Ireland drum majors who will travel
to Sacramento.
LAURELHILL Community College's Head Girl and
a pupil of Ballycloughan Primary School from Saintfield will
travel to California later this month to show off their skills
as drum majors
A Level student Elizabeth Sloan and eight
year old Emma Barr are both members of Ravara Pipe Band and are
going to the USA to compete in the Sacramento Valley Scottish
Games and Festival.
Elizabeth has been taking part in
competitions for 10 years while Emma is one of the youngest
competing drum majors in Northern Ireland.
Both are title holders. Elizabeth has been
All Ireland Champion, European Champion and Juvenile World
Emma won top placing in all her competitions
during 2007 but the highlight of the year was winning the
European Championship.
The girls were joined by the five other
Northern Ireland drum majors travelling across the Atlantic at
an event in Hillsborough Fort hosted by Culture, Arts and
Leisure Minister Edwin Poots who will attend the Sacramento
The Minister said It was 'evident' to him
cultural aspects of life in Northern Ireland had been "neglected
for many years.
The opportunity for these young people to
demonstrate the best of Northern Ireland talent in the United
States is something I believe will reap rich dividends," he
said. "They are attending a significant event which attracts
huge interest on site and on the American media - even
television channels - and I am delighted that we were able to
support them," he continued.
Ulster Star