PRINCIPAL of St Joseph's Primary School, Mrs Maria Gough, has
praised her staff for 'going that extra mile' after the school
received a glowing report from Department of Education
In the report the quality of the arrangements
for pastoral care and child protection in the school are
described as 'very good'.
The inspectors go on to praise 'the high
quality of the working relationships based on mutual respect and
understanding throughout the school', the excellent behaviour of
the 'well-motivated and articulate children, who respond
positively to their teachers', the contribution made by the
teaching and support staff to the children's well-being and
learning experiences and the effective ways of communicating
with all parents and working alongside other agencies.
They also highlight other significant
strengths including 'the high quality of the teaching observed;
the majority of which was consistently good or very good, with
approximately one-fifth of the lessons characterised by
excellence'; the good standards achieved by most of the
children, in line with their abilities; the conscientious staff
and their commitment to the professional development and
evaluation of learning and teaching strategies and their
involvement in a wide range of valuable educational initiatives.
They praise the 'effective and child-centred leadership' of the
Principal and the strong support of the governors and parents
for the Principal and staff.
Mrs Gough described the report as an 'excellent
outcome' for the staff and the hard work they put in. "Parents
entrust us with their child's educational, social and emotional
development and as a staff we work hard at
ensuring that each and every child's needs are met so that every
child can strive for excellence in everything they do," said Mrs
Gough. "We have the family at the heart of our school. We
provide a service from 8am-5.30pm daily to provide parents with
wrap-around child care which helps them to work, return to work
or study."
She paid tribute to Melissa Butler and her
team of classroom assistants who provide this service.
Their 'Cool Kids' was awarded a Quality
Assurance mark by Playboard, the NI Agency who promote the
child's right to play.
"All the staff in St. Joseph's go that extra
mile," said Mrs Gough "to make sure that each family is fully
included in the education of their children." She said she was
particularly thrilled to read comments hy the inspectors such
as: "This school
promotes diversity and inclusion and the
education and welfare offered to children and families and in
particular to those from ethnic minority communities, is at the
heart of the school".
Mrs Gough said the inspection has not only
endorsed the excellent educational provision in St Joseph's but
comes with the news received earlier in the year that St
Joseph's Primary School will remain on the Castle Street site as
The Council for Catholic Maintained Schools concluded their
review of Catholic Education in Lisburn.
"She said she was assured that the school
would not be amalgamated with any other.
" It has been an excellent outcome to the
worry and stress caused by the review," said Mrs Gough.
The school's Open Night for the next school
year is on Tuesday, November 25.

Spanish tutor Calanthia Lilburn
with St Joseph's Primary 2 children. US4108- 126A0
Ulster Star