Big vote of thanks for Brookhall after ladies
enjoy fly fishing retreat
UK Co-ordinator of an organisation which runs fly fishing
retreats for women who have or have had breast cancer has said
she 'cannot thank Brookhall Trout Fishery enough' after it
hosted one of the events last month.
Sue Fisher of 'Casting for Recovery' said the
14 ladies who took part had been provided with a wonderful
experience they would never forget'.
She also said staff at Brookhall "really
understood the aims of Casting for Recovery.
ladies have had the perfect 'Casting for Recovery' retreat �
where else can you practice your casting with Vietnamese pot
bellied pigs rambling past?" she said.
"We will be delighted to come back to
Brookhall in 2009 to do it all again," Sue added.
The Brookhall event was the fourth retreat
arranged by the organisation and the first to take place in
Any woman who has experienced breast cancer
is eligible to apply to attend one of the two and-a-half days.
All accommodation, meals, counselling, and
professional instruction are provided at no cost to participants
due to the financial backing of the Countryside Alliance.
However, the fishing at Brookhall was kindly
donated by owners Kenny Ferguson, Cathryne Boyce and Marty Robb.
Trained female medical staff and fly fishing
instructors are on hand at all times.
The fishing tackle and appropriate clothing
is provided by Orvis UK.
In support of Casting for Recovery s aims the
Department of Culture Arts and Leisure (DCAL) donated a
substantial number of fish to supplement the already generously
stocked water at Brookhall.
The organisers say fly fishing offers proven
benefits for recovering breast cancer patients.
The casting action provides the gentle
exercise recommended by physiotherapists for joint and soft
tissue mobility.
Fly fishing also offers participants a chance
to reflect and escape in tranquil surroundings.
Casting for Recovery was founded in the
United States in 1996 and has since helped over 3,000 breast
cancer survivors.
Ulster Star