Lower sixth pupils
from Lisnagarvey High School with lower
sixth pupils from Saint Patrick's High
School took up the challenge to become
volunteers under a joint cross community
THIS year lower sixth pupils from Lisnagarvey
High School and Saint Patrick's High School took up the
challenge to become volunteers for Habit for Humanity under a
joint cross community project.
Habit for Humanity is a nonprofit, Christian
housing movement involved in building low cost housing for
families in need throughout the world. The aim of this project
was to bring the young people together to explore the issue of
social need and the associated problems it has caused in our
Province. The projects aim was to involve young people in a very
practical way by assisting skilled craftsmen in a redevelopment
area in Belfast.
The students were taken through the building
site to the house they would be working on. Here they were split
up into pairs, one student from each school working together.
The pair worked under the supervision of a skilled workman.
The students enjoyed the experience of being
able to work on building site and experience which they will
long remember the new skills they learnt and the new friends
A further joint fun day of money raising is
planned for the new year to help this worthwhile charity
Ulster Star