DONATING a used stamp could help a dog become
a lifesaver.
what Lisburn Hearing Centre in conjunction with Lagan Valley
Rotary are urging local people to do in its annual effort to
help a charity that trains rescued dogs to become potentially
life saving four legged friends.
David Parkinson of Lisburn Hearing Centre
said: The dogs become faithful friends and offer comfort and
companionship to their owners. These dogs also wear burgundy
jackets when out and on duty to let other people know they are
assisting animals.
A 'hearing dog' acts as assistant and
companion to profoundly deaf people by becoming their ears. The
dogs are highly trained to alert their owners to every day
sounds, like the telephone, door bell and cooker
timer. Importantly, these super loving,
trained canines also warn their human companions of any dangers
such as smoke or fire alarms. Dale Carson of Lagan Valley Rotary
commented: "A profoundly deaf person may have lost confidence
and feel they cannot face the world, hut by having this friend
and loving companion the person receives a boost in confidence."
Christmas is the best time of the year to
collect stamps, because of the extra mailing. Just cut (best) or
tear round the stamp, separate British from Foreign and leave
them at Lisburn Hearing Centre in Bachelors Walk, Longstone Post
Office or Smile Dental Surgery in Sloan Street. The stamps will
then be sold to collectors all over the world and the monies
from this will go to the Hearing Dogs.
Ulster Star
