SAINTFIELD wildlife artist's dramatic painting of two eagles
guarding their nest has been purchased by one of the USA's best
known art collectors.
'On the Edge' by Lorna Hamilton was bought
just before it featured in a major international exhibition
entitled 'The Art of Conservation' at the Hiram Bauvelt Art
Museum in Oradell, New Jersey.
It was also chosen for the cover of the hard
backed companion book which accompanied the show. The sale was
just one highlight of Lorna's visit to the exhibition which was
the first juried event by the Canadian based 'Artists for
Conservation Foundation. Another was a VIP dinner for more than
100 people held at the Museum just before the exhibition opened.
This was attended by Lorna's artistic role
model Canadian wildlife artist Robert Bateman who was in
attendance to receive
a lifetime achievement award. Lorna was
delighted to have her photograph taken with Mr. Bateman and
enjoyed talking to him.
It was a wonderful experience meeting Robert
Bateman. He is a very well known and respected man in the
wildlife art world. His work has had a big influence on me," she
also admitted she was 'delighted' her painting had sold: "it
means so much to know my work is appreciated. To sell to someone
with such a prestigious collection is beyond my wildest dreams."
Mr. Bateman was obviously impressed by the
Saintfield artist's work: "I found a softness and sharpness in
Lorna's work that I admired very much," he said.
Lorna was the only representative from
Ireland to attend the show where she was joined by artists from
Japan, Australia, China, Great Britain and North America
including English woman Pollyanna Pickering whose work features
on calendars and greetings cards.
Two other paintings by Lorna have also been
exhibited at prestigious shows in America this year and she
hopes to show more work in both the USA and Canada.
"There is a long tradition of wildlife art in
the States. The market is strong and it is definitely somewhere
I would love to show my work on a permanent basis," she added.
"However there are still good opportunities
in Ireland. I am excited to show my work and share my passion
for wildlife, especially birds of prey."
"A percentage from the sale of each work in the
exhibition was donated to scientific research and field projects
through the Wildlife Conservation Society.
As a member of Artists for Conservation,
Lorna has made a commitment to help protect wildlife and
conserve the environment.
She hopes to be able to contribute donations
through the sale of her latest limited edition print range.
Six images are being launched including 'On
the Edge' and Freedom of the Skies (Red Kite in flight).
From each print a minimum of 5% will be
donated to the RSPB and 'Eagles Flying', a scientifically
managed sanctuary based in Sligo.
Lorna said: "There are many people who have
admired my wildlife work however the originals are often too
expensive for people to purchase. I wanted to produce prints of
a reasonable price which would allow people to enjoy the beauty
of the raptor in their home."
Brochures are available at request or images
can be viewed through
www.lornahamilton.com A documentary about Lorna's work with
the 'Eagles Flying' Sanctuary will be screened on RTE during
Ulster Star