ABOVE: Past residents of Magheragall Womens
Institute. US1208-552CD
THERE were celebrations for the ladies from
Magheragall Women's Institute recently as they held a special
dinner in Dunmurry Golf Club on March 13 to mark the
organisation's 60th Annversary.
Magheragall WI was formed in March 1948 and held their first
meeting in Magheragall Primary School. The first President was
Mrs Kay Ireland and the committee members were Mrs Gertie
Linton, Miss Rogan, Mrs McCallin, Mrs Beckett, Miss Bell, Mrs
Kathleen Boomer, Mrs Clenaghan, Mrs Clokey, Miss Graham, Miss
Ireland, Mrs Nelson, Miss Spence and Mrs Towley.
In 1949 the group moved into the recreation hall before
moving to their present home at Four Quarters Orange Hall. The
first outing to Bangor was held in 1948 and since then outings
have been held to many interesting places and exchange visits
with the Irish Countrywomen's Association and the Scottish
Women's Rural Institutes. Several members have attended
Associated Country Women of the World conferences in Canada,
Kenya, Ceylon (now known as Sri Lanka), New Zealand and Ireland.
Magheragall ladies
hold a dinner in years gone by. |
Gertie Reid, president of Magheragall
WI and Betty Birnes, Federation chairperson. at a
dinner at Dunmurry Golf Club to mark the
Magheragall's 60th anniversary. US1208-554CD |
Gertie Linton, Maisie Law, Mollie Linton and Eileen Drayne
served on the Federation Executive Committee. Betty McCrory, Vi
Bell, Sylvia Jess, Gertie Reid and Pauline McAufield have served
on Federation sub-committee's.
During the past 60 years members have helped many charities,
hospitals and local special schools. In the 50s and 60s the
institute formed an Emergency Feeding team and travelled over
the Province to help out where they were required.
The late Mrs Gertie Linton held the office of Federation
Treasurer and the members of Magheragall furnished a room in
Federation House in her memory in 1978, which is known as the
Linton Room.
Current President Gertie Reid said the dinner was a fantastic
success, which was very well supported and the ladies look
forward to many more years of Magheragall WI.

Committee members of Magheragall Womens
Institute at a dinner to mark its 60th anniversary. US1208-553CD
Ulster Star