Melody flute competition in Lisburn hosted by Lisburn Young
Defenders |
Top flute band, Lisburn Young Defenders, held a Melody Flute
Competition in Lisburn Orange hall last Saturday afternoon. The
adjudicator was Lisburn Young Defender�s conductor, Gary
Shields, who had the difficult job of choosing a winner from the
entry list of eight top melody flute bands. Each band was
identified by a number to ensure all round fairness and played
their �own choice� pieces for approximately 20 minutes.
The winner was Ballinran Flute Band, Kilkeel and the runner-up
was Sir George White Memorial Flute Band, Broughshane. Omagh
Flute Band was the winner of the best entertainment prize.
At the Melody Flute Competition hosted by
Lisburn Young Defenders in Lisburn Orange Hall last
Saturday afternoon are band members L to R: (front)
Angela Coates, Naomi Orr, Adam Higginson, Matthew Lowry
and Jessica Farr. (back row) Wallace Orr, William Hall,
Michael Browne (LYD Vice Chairman), Mark Craigan, David
Murdock and Nevin Lowry (LYD Chairman). |
David Kingsberry, Geoffrey Gibb, Andy
Farr, Brian Gamble and Rodney Lockhart pictured enjoying
the Melody Flute Competition in Lisburn Orange Hall last
Saturday afternoon, organised by top flute band, Lisburn
Young Defenders. |
Overall winner, Ballinran Flute Band from
Kilkeel, pictured taking part in the Melody Flute
Competition in Lisburn Orange Hall last Saturday
afternoon, organised by top flute band, Lisburn Young
Defenders. |
Fred Willoughbey, Worshipful District
Master of Lisburn District LOL No 6 is pictured at the
Lisburn Young Defenders�s Melody Flute Competition in
Lisburn Orange Hall last Saturday afternoon with his
granddaughter Jodie O�Brien |
Ulster Star