Coach David Bradford,
helps put 18 women
through their paces in
their endeavour to tone
up and slim down.
WHEN most people are sleeping soundly at 6am
in the morning, a group of local ladies are getting fit in
Moira. Under the direction of fitness coach Irene McCaffery and
her assistant David Bradford the 18 brave women are being put
through their paces to help them tone up and slim down.
Fitness and Weight loss Boot Camp is taking place in the Moira
Demesne three times a week.
Irene explained: "The individual goals for
the four week programme are, generally, five to 12 pounds of
weight loss." She continued: "Six o'clock is a bit early but
with the morning summer sunlight it really is the best time for
exercise. We all struggle to find time to exercise. I know how a
day can go - you have every intention of working out after work,
but come 3 pm you are already tired. Then by the
time you pick up the children and cook
dinner, you're done for the day.
"The boot camp workout lasts one hour which
leaves you time to get the family ready for the day."
As an added bonus, Irene says the campers'
metabolism and energy levels stay revved up for the rest of the
day -and it's a chance to spend some time outdoors.
Each session is deliberately different, with
light running, weight training, circuits, obstacles courses,
core training, jump rope and team competitions. Nutritional
advice and a healthy eating plan are also provided. Participants
only need to bring a mat, hand weights and water. Everything
else is provided.
�For details of the next boot camp email
Irene at -
info@irenemccaffrey.co.uk, or call 9261 1053.
Ulster Star