Lisburn Mayor James
Tinsley and PSNI representatives were among
those attending the presentation award
ceremony for young people in the Adventure
Learning Programme and Duke of Edinburgh
Scheme US25-402PM Pic by Paul Murphy
LAGAN Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson has
presented awards to pupils from three Lisburn schools to mark
their participation in partnership projects offered in
conjunction with Lisburn YMCA.
The event was held in the Island Civic Centre
to mark the success of two projects which operate in Lisnagarvey,
Dunmurry and St. Patrick's High Schools.
The cluster partnership has gone form
strength to strength in recent years with the extended schools
budget being used to offer programmes of work and development of
pupils across the school. A proportion of this work is completed
on an inter-school basis and following the success of the Pupil
Support Programme Lisburn YMCA have, this year, co-ordinated a
pilot project to address the needs of young people aged 13-16.
The Shared Education Facility has been
operational in Lisburn YMCA since November 2007 and has engaged
with over 20 young. The aim is to provide educational
opportunities to young people who, for a variety of reasons, are
not taking full benefit form mainstream education. The project
runs on Monday and Fridays and is staffed by teachers from the
partner schools who provide education support with English,
Maths and a varied programme of personal development and social
studies material.
Sind beginning last year pupils have completed the AQA units;
Positive Relationships has given the young people an insight
into the importance of forming healthy relationships and dealing
with disagreements and difficulties and this term they have
completed an AQA on Money Management. The focus of the personal
development module is to prepare young people for the challenger
associated with independent living and the transition into
adulthood, it provides the students with an interesting and
varied programme of other activities, including art, pottery,
cookery and social learning topics such as drugs and alcohol
awareness and the rights and responsibilities of young people.
Ulster Star