Members of the Pride of Glenavy
Accordion Band outside Glenavy Orange Hall, July 12
1983. Back Row - Left to right - Janet Haddock, Ian
Sloan, Sidney Sloan, Gordon McClay, Ivan Harbinson,
George Henry, Trevor Sloan, Trevor Harbinson,
Lorraine Haddock. Middle Row - Left to right - Gail
Morgan, Elizabeth Bell, Arlene McClay, Adeline
Lowry, Carol Harris, Avril Lowry, Noreen Sloan, Elma
Brown, Angela Sloan. Front Row - Left to right -
Aaron Harbinson, Alison Close, Jacqueline Scott,
Vivien McClurg, Fiona Hamill, Avril Harbinson, Colin
THE Pride of Glenavy Accordion Band will be
celebrating their 50th Anniversary with a special dinner for
current and past members in Brownlow House, Lurgan on Friday May
It will certainly be a well deserved
celebration as the band has managed to survive a half century of
life's up and downs, and over those 50 years has built a legacy
that cannot be measured in material possessions, but rather the
friendship and fellowship that has been created.
The band was formed when members of the Pride
of Glenavy LOL 618 decided to get together to form an Accordion
Band and with the help of the Ladies Committee a number of fund
raising events were held in order to raise some money to
buy instruments. They then went on to parade
on the 12th of July that year wearing second hand uniforms. The
Band has had numerous conductors over the years including, Bob
Matthews, Jim McClurg, Vivien McCullough, Robert Aikenhead,
George Usher and the present day conductor Adam Wilkinson.
Anyone wishing to attend the anniversary
dinner, which is for past and present members, both old and
young, can contact Alison Bell on 07809 115263, Jennifer Kennedy
on 07882 093589 or Vivien McCullough on 07718 160578 to find out
more information about tickets. Anyone interested in learning
the accordion or joing the band can attend practice every Monday
night from 8.00pm to 10.00pm.
Ulster Star