A SCHOOLGIRL from Dunmurry High School is heading to Scotland
next week to take part in auditions for the X-Factor.
Rebecca Dalzell, a Year 11 pupil, is going to
Hampden Park where she will be singing 'Where Do Broken Hearts
Go?' by Whitney Houston and she hopes she will impress the
judges who include Simon Cowell.
Lloyd Scates, Rebecca's music teacher said:
"Rebecca has a very distinctive voice with a good tone quality.
She has been receiving singing lessons for the past year through
the extended schools' programme and already shows a mature
range. She is very talented and I am sure that she will do well
next week." Rebecca is currently taking part in rehearsals for
Joseph And His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat which the school
will be putting on next November, as part of its 40th
anniversary celebrations.
In addition, the school will be producing a
special-edition commemorative magazine as well as holding a
number of events including a reunion for former staff and
Anyone who would like to help in the
preparations for this occasion or who would like any information
about the proposed events is asked to contact the school on
Ulster Star