Angelo hosts special day for Rotary charities

Members of the committee who helped
organise the event - John Gilliland, Kyle Harper and Brian Huey
with Angelo and the president of the club Sandra McCabe.
Lisburn restaurateur Angelo Marano has hosted a Sagre d'Autunno
to raise funds for the Rotary Club of Lisburn's annual Christmas
Having last year hosted a very successful 'Sagra',
or celebration of local fish, Angelo's Caf� Marano was full for
the 'celebration of Autumn food' in aid of hampers for those in
need this Yuletide.
Angelo was delighted with the huge turnout
and said he was happy to throw open his restaurant at Market
Lane for such a worthy cause.
He said he was especially appreciative that
his own daughters come home from wherever they are studying each
year and help
in a 'hands on' way, keeping staff costs down
to leave more in the charity kitty.
Cafe Marano will have been open for 25 years next February � a
very rare achievement to have been trading at one location with
a single owner for such a long time, and he said he was
delighted that through his membership of Rotary he can put
something back into the local community.
Rotarians and their guests enjoyed Autumnal
delights locally sourced as Angelo demonstrated his commitment
to what in Italy is described as 'Del produtore al consummatore'
(from producer to consumer).
In Italy families produce huge steaming
plates of low cost fresh food to feed large numbers at
long groaning family tables and Angelo says
that belt tightening could well mean a return to directly
supplied fresh food eaten by families either at home or in
economically priced restaurants. The event
proved to be a staggering success, raising over a large sum for
hampers which will be distributed before Christmas.
An old Italian recipe for Spicy Red Cabbage
ONE of the recipes which proved particularly
popular at the Sagre d'Autunno was Spicy Red Cabbage. Angelo
sources this locally from a farmer in season or from Kelly's in
Longstone Street who have supplied his fruit and vegetables for
the past 24 and a half years.
One cabbage at less than a pound will provide
enough vegetable for 15 to 20 people.
Finely shredded red cabbage
Two thoroughly chopped onions
Two peeled and chopped apples (even something more wrinkled
will do)
Handful of raisins
Two teaspoons of mixed spice
Salt and pepper to taste Knob of butter
Vinegar (any kind)
Generous drop of wine, port or sherry
There are two methods: Either put all the
ingredients in a huge casserole dish and slow cook in the oven
if you are cooking a stew or a slow cooked roast like lamb
shoulder so the energy cost/carbon footprint are kept down. As
an alternative on the stove top, fry the onion and apple with
the butter and spice and add the cabbage and vinegar and water.
On the stove top 30 minutes should suffice
and in the oven long and slow are the recommendations.
To add to the spicy flavour Angelo suggests
adding a mandarin orange spiked with cloves or a cinnamon stick
if you have it.
This is a great staple for large groups and reheats well and
lasts a few days in the fridge- Buon Appetito
Ulster Star