Pupils from Lisnagarvy and St Patricks at
the 17th annual visit to First World War battlefields |
A pupil from each school, Conor McGovern
and Jenna Cree, lay a wreath. |
PUPILS from St Patrick's High School and
Lisnagarvey visited the First World War battlefields in Belgium
and France from April 20 to 25.
It was the 17th annual visit for the school's
and this year the group visited the recently re-opened Vimy
Ridge Memorial, and Thiepval Memorial. Visits took place, as
usual, to Tyne Cot and Langemarck, the Ulster Tower (where a
wreath is always laid) and other sites in the Somme Valley.
The group joined a very large crowd to listen
to the 'Last Post' being played at the Menin Gate ceremony.
Other highlights were a visit to trenches of
Hill 62, 'In Flanders Field' museum at Cloth Hall, Ypres, Bruges
and Asterix Park, Paris.
Ulster Star