Wallace High School
Old Girls' Committee with President Mrs Linda
Beckett. |
Pictured are
Councillor Thomas Beckett, Right Hon. Jeffrey
Donaldson MP MLA, Vice President OGA Christine
McConaghy, Mrs Nicola Watson, Head of Wallace Prep.
Department, Linda Beckett, President OGA, Jessica
Kidd, Secretary OGA, Margaret Spence, Treasurer OGA,
Mr Alastair Craig, Vice Principal.
John Harrison/Harrison Photography |
WALLACE High School Old Girls' Association
held its 47th Annual Dinner recently at Dunmurry Golf Club.
President Mrs Linda Beckett welcomed Guest
Speaker, Lagan Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson, Mr Alastair Craig,
Vice Principal of Wallace High School, Miss Claire Donaldson,
Head Girl, Mrs Nicola Watson, Head of Wallace Preparatory
Department and Councillor Thomas Beckett.
Mr Donaldson spoke of his life in politics,
including his early days of working with Enoch Powell and Jim
Molyneaux, whom he succeeded as MP for Lagan Valley. He used the
High motto 'Esperance' as his theme of 'Hope'
for a future prosperous Northern Ireland. President Mrs Linda
Beckett spoke of her career in education since leaving Wallace
in 1981. The Old Girls' Association held a Coffee Morning and
Sale to raise funds for the High School and the Prep Department.
Mrs Linda Beckett said: "I am delighted to be able to hand over
cheques to the school on behalf of The Old Girls' Association
and to offer them our continued support."
Vice Principal Mr Alastair Craig installed
the incoming President Miss Christine McConaghy.
Ulster Star