World War Two exhibition at Long Kesh

Hillsborough Old Guard and Aviation Society
members at the Buccaneer.
THE World War Two exhibition organised by the
Hillsborough Old Guard Local History Society and involving the
Ulster Aviation Society at the former Long Kesh Airbase took
place recently.
The exhibition depicted the work of Local
people and those from the commonwealth who died on active
service during World War Two and are buried in Eglantine Parish
church Graveyard.
Local MP Jeffery Donaldson said: "I would
like to congratulate the organisers who have put on an excellent
exhibition that depicts
Hillsborough during the war years. "This
compliments the permanent Display by the Ulster Aviation
Society, who have a varied and interesting range of aeronautical
artefacts including a number of aircraft with historical links
to Northern Ireland.
"The large number of visitors testifies to
the local interest in the history of Hillsborough and the
connections with aviation at the former Long Kesh aerodrome.
"I commend both the Hillsborough Old Guard
and the Ulster Aviation Society for this superb exhibition."
One lady came from Portadown for the day to
visit the exhibition. She told the group she lived beside the
airfield during the war and some of her family worked at the
airfield both during the conflict and at a later time when Long
Kesh was a prison.
Former Minister for Culture, Arts and
Leisure, Edwin Poots and his wife also attended the exhibition,
along with Lisburn Mayor and Mayoress James and Margaret
Tinsley, who also praised the quality of the exhibition and the
work of the Aviation Society.
Ulster Star