Friends' School
Year 14 pupil Niamh Devlin who was
part of the General Studies Art
class along with student teacher
Kerry Plummer with the framed art
work, and right, an example of the
YEAR 14 pupils from Friends' School, Lisburn
have recently finished a piece of artwork about those who have
positively influenced them in their lives and which will mark
their time as pupils at the school.
pieces were produced by the Year 14 General Studies, Art for
pleasure pupils.
Working with PGCE student Kerry Plummer, the
pupils collected quotes from their fellow Year 14 pupils about
formative moments in their school life from a peer, a teacher, a
poet, writer or anyone who had positively influenced them over
the years.
The work incorporates five frames with
fifteen quotes in each. Each quote is bordered by a beautifully
created arrangement of leaves and petals, collected from the
school grounds.
Miss Plummer said: "The class were really
enthusiastic about the project and there was a great response
from the whole year. The work looks wonderful in the frames and
will make a lovely addition to Friends' art collection.
"There is something of a tradition for Year 14s to produce a
collective piece of artwork which will mark their time in the
school and I think this legacy is a lovely sentiment."
Ulster Star