At a recent inspection of another completed restoration project in Bridge Street are members of Bridge Street Townscape Heritage Initiative Partnership, (left to right) Councillor Allan Ewart (Chairman), Keith Gilmour Manor Architects, Marvin Snowdon NINE, Brian Mackey Lisburn City Council, Alan Clarke Lisburn City Centre Management (LCCM), David Brown Northern Ireland Housing Executive. |
ANOTHER restoration project to encourage city centre living in Bridge Street, one of Lisburn's oldest surviving streets, has been completed.
The project at number 16 involved the creation of
four apartments accessed from a rear courtyard, together with a new shop
that has additional basement storage.
Alan Clarke, Urban Regeneration Officer with Lisburn City Centre Management (LCCM), said this is the 17th property in Bridge Street to have benefited from grant support over the last seven years.
He explained: With a cocktail of funding provided through The Heritage Lottery Fund, Planning Service, Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Lisburn City Council, property owners can receive financial support to bring vacant or derelict space back in to economic use, provided they adhere to strict conservation
guidelines and agree to restore or reinstate heritage details within their building projects." David Brown, Senior Planning Officer with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, complimented the developer on the high standard of finish achieved within the apartments that will be available to let.
He said: "Having been involved in piloting the
'Living Over The Shop' initiative in the early stages of the Bridge
Street restoration, NIHE are pleased that this support mechanism is
still available, although now re-branded as City Centre Living
Initiative, which more accurately reflects the ethos of the scheme to
encourage people to re-establish homes within the heart of Northern
Ireland towns and cities. This grant scheme is administered locally by
Marvin Snowdon, based at NIHE office in Lisburn."
Here are some photographs to bring back memories. These two old pictures of Bridge Street were kindly left into the Ulster Star by a reader.
Ulster Star