A MOIRA boy, who is to undergo a life saving bone marrow
transplant in February got an extra unexpected Christmas present from Santa.
Joshua Fletcher (7) received a card with £500 in cash from an unidentified 87year-old gentleman who wants to be known only as Santa.
The man told Gaye Kerr, who is organising a party this weekend for Joshua, that he has no children of his own and when he read an article in the Ulster Star about Joshua who suffers from Diamond Blackfan Anaemia, he wanted to do something special for him.
Gaye, who is organising a Good Luck Party on Saturday January 2, said that she was overwhelmed with the man's generosity.
"I told Josh that although Santa was still bringing him his presents he had forwarded me a card for him," said Gaye. The Santa letter read: "Dear Josh I have heard all about your trip to London for your treatment, so please find some money inside this card and buy yourself something nice when you are in London, I have to go now and help my elves as we are very busy Love from Santa." The Good Luck party will be held this weekend at the Maze Presbyterian Church on January 2, which will help fund travel arrangements for the Fletcher family when they go to England next year for Josh's treatment. They hope to raise up to £3,000.
Gaye said recently: "I know what the family will be going through so I wanted to so what I can to lend them my support. They have always supported me and while there is nothing I can do to help the situation, I can do this to raise some money to help them while Josh is getting this treatment."
Joshua who was diagnosed with the condition as a baby needs blood transfusions every three weeks to stay alive. In order for Josh to be given a chance to survive and lead a normal and fulfilling life, the family went through a traumatic time to create a so called 'saviour sibling' for Josh through IVF to create an exact match for a bone marrow transplant when needed.
In July this year the Fletchers were told doctors had found that Josh had an extremely high overload in his liver. The time had come for him to get a bone marrow transplant from Jodie.
Josh continues to have constant treatment to prepare for the transplant. He will get 24 hour a day treatment until February when he leaves for St Mary's Hospital in London.
Jodie is expected to fly out to London a fortnight after Julie, Joe and Josh to donate her bone marrow and to return home alone, to allow her brother to recover.
Anyone who would like to help with the party can ring Gaye on 07796540489.
Joshua Fletcher is delighted with his special Christmas present.
Ulster Star