BTEC National Diploma Construction students from South
Eastern Regional College (SERC) recently took part in an end-of-term cross
campus 'Build a Bridge' competition.
Tasked with building a suspension bridge out of spaghetti sticks and fruit gums students called upon the theoretical knowledge gained throughout their first term at the College and implemented it into the design and construction process of the bridge.
The winning bridge was judged on design concept, construction and ability to bare weight. With teams competing from the Lisburn, Downpatrick and Bangor campuses of the College students had the opportunity to pit their wits against fellow College students in a good natured competition.
The competition was organised by College Construction lecturer Alan Bell who commented: The Build a Bridge competition is an excellent chance for students to put into practice the theory they have learnt during first semester, it challenges the students to think strategically as well as calling upon their creative nature to come up with designs. By working together in teams students have to share ideas, troubleshoot and discuss solutions and concepts."
Ulster Star