A HOT Air Balloon festival could be floating into Lisburn later this
Lisburn City Council's Economic Development Committee are currently in the process of organising the festival, which could be held in September. Alderman Jim Dillon, Chairman of the Committee, said that £10,000 has been set aside for the proposed festival. And he said nothing of its kind has been seen in the city before.
Wallace Park has been one of the sites looked at to host the festival, however, Moira Demesne and the old Long Kesh airfield are also proposed venues.
Mr. Dillon said: "A Hot Air Balloon festival has been talked about
before but it never came to fruition.
There has been nothing like it before, it will be very interesting."
A professional company will be hired by the Council to organise the unique event.
Mr. Dillon added: "The festival will probably take place in September providing we get everything organised, and we hope to hold it in Moira Demesne or Long Kesh. We did also consider Wallace Park also, although we will ask the professionals where they would like it."
Mr Dillon also revealed that funding has also been put in place for the event, which will cost £10,000. He said: "We pay the Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau £35,000 each year to promote Lisburn, this year we have given them £25,000 and have instead kept £10,000 for the Hot Air Balloon festival, so it is costing no more.
"This will bring a lot of interest to the area, there is no doubt about that," Mr. Dillon concluded.
Ulster Star