asks the questions

Christel, who is originally from the
Netherlands, is the proprietor of the Trendy Talons salon in
Lisburn and is also a Nail Educator. She has been living in
Northern Ireland since 1994 and is married with one
What do you like doing on your day off?
Sleep in, lounge around and watch TV - nothing very
If you were to choose your favourite meal what would it be,
where and why?
I would love to have pasta carbonara in Italy. I like eating
pasta so where better to experience the real thing than
What has been your proudest moment?
I have had quite a few, mostly corny ones, which involve my
daughter Kahris. The latest is that she has decided to take
up nail art and join me in the salon.
What was the most frightening moment of your life?
Last week a jeep whizzed passed my daughter and me whilst we
were crossing the road and the driver obviously hadn't seen
us. He then stopped and started to reverse with my daughter
right in his line of 'non-sight'. I have never screamed so
loud in my life - so loud that he didn't know how to get
away quick enough.
How would you describe your taste in clothes? What's the
most you spent on one item?
I don't think I conform to any particular style, although
lately I seem to wear fewer trousers and more skirts. The
skirts I've been buying are the 1940/50's style -
pencil/bustles. Another excuse for buying matching shoes.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
First of all, bribe my parents into moving over from the
Netherlands and then buy a small holding with land for pigs,
horses and loads of homeless animals.
What is your most embarrassing moment?
The latest one you mean? Walking in on a weight watchers
meeting and having the lady ask me if I was there to see
them. I reacted quite loudly and said "No way." Probably not
the best reaction.
What music do you like?
Being a 'Grease' child, I am hopelessly devoted to Olivia
Newton-John and I love Keith Urban.
What sports person do you most admire?
No one really - I hate sports. To keep my marriage intact
and to please my daughter I'll pick the cricket player
Freddie Flintoff.
Describe your best ever holiday. -What would your dream
holiday be?
It's about to happen. We are heading to South Africa at the
end of August.
What is your greatest remaining ambition?
Professionally - to be part of the to level Nail Educators.
If you were on a desert island what three things would you
like to take with you?
Nail glue (I'm shallow) - sunscreen and a sexy man. Kahris
can go and stay with her grandparents for a week.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom would you
Can I choose several? Tom Holcomb (Nail Guru). Olivia Newton
John and Sean Connery
Car |
Hyundai Coupe |
Film |
Grease |
Comedian |
Billy Connolly |
CD |
Keith Urban |
Book |
Any murder mystery thrillers |
Actor |
Tom Cruise |
Actress |
Halle Berry |
Ulster Star
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