Diane Jones, 52, is the Vice President and Press officer
for Hillsborough Speakers Club, Toastmasters. She also works as a Day Care
Worker for the Elderly.
What do you like doing on your day off?
Absolutely have to have a wonderful long lie-in, then I
adore spending time preparing presentations for Toastmasters.
Choose your favourite meal?
I love going out to an authentic Indian restaurant and
eating with my fingers. I think this stems from the fact my first boyfriend
at University was Indian..
Proudest moment?
Getting a standing ovation for a speech I made while in
America -when I sat down , they all wanted to join Toastmasters.
Most frightening moment of your life?
When I was in digs at Queens a gang broke into the house
I was staying in. As I was at the top, I heard them working their way up
through the house looking for money.
Describe your taste in clothes?
Casual — very casual, except
when in Toastmasters mode — then I like to dress my best and be as smart as
time allows.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
I'd go to a health farm and spend six months getting back
into shape. On second thoughts, make that two years.
Most embarrassing moment?
Admitting at work that not only
did I watch Big Brother, but I actually enjoyed doing so.
What music do you like?
I love Edith Piaf, The Pussycat Dolls, Leona Lewis and
Christy Moore — in general I love clever harmonies, high notes, etc. I think
I like Christy Moore more for his accent.
What sports person do you admire?
If I have to pick one
person it would be Nadia Comaneche, as I love gymnastics, and although Olga
Korbut got the first 10, Nadia took it to an even higher level.
Describe your best ever holiday.
My first time in Las Vegas. Flying internationally was an experience all
on its own, but arriving at that breathtaking city will never be forgotten.
As I normally only go for a few weeks at a time, my dream holiday would be a
two months holiday there.
Your greatest ambition?
To become the second person in Northern Ireland
ever to become a Distinguished Toastmaster. It takes years of hard
commitment to achieve this, and I am so very close I can almost
taste it.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom
would you choose?
Could I pick Barack Obama? He is such a good
public speaker, I would love to watch him close at hand, just to see
if I can pin him down and see what his secret is.
If you were stranded on a desert island what
three things would you want with you?
My laptop, a television and a chocolate factory.
Favourite things
Car | Black Rolls Royce |
Film | The Wind that shakes the Barley |
Comedian | Catherine Tate |
CD | Spirit by Leona Lewis |
Book | Pride and Prejudice |
Actor | John Hurt |
Actress | Emma Thompson |
Drink | Diet Soda |
Ulster Star